Subversive Stitches Show is Up!

Therese Perreault and I have finished hanging my Subversive Stitches solo exhibition at Arts Marketplace!  They have a terrific space with a skylight and exposed brick walls, which really sets off my discharged and rust-dyed pieces.  I was a bit worried about how the hanging would go against those uneven bricks, but T found a way to make it work.

I am using one of my latest (and never before exhibited) pieces Almost Symmetrical as the ‘signature’ work.  It is the first piece you see when you walk in the door, and is featured on the e-vite.  The photo below is a ‘preview of coming attractions.’  More posts and pictures will follow.  The reception is Saturday, September 3, from 7-8:30 pm at Arts Marketplace (403 N. 6th Ave.).  Hope to see you there.  Now I have to get ready for my interview with the Tucson Weekly

Almost Symmetrical, 72'' x 48''
Almost Symmetrical, 72'' x 48'' installed for Subversive Stitches Exhibition

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