
Phases, 2014.  This 12” x 12” piece will be available for purchase through an auction of small art quilts to benefit the Studio Art Quilt Associates.  It was made with multiple discharge and over-dyeing processes using the shibori itajime technique on linen fabrics.  Handyed, machine stitched.  The fabric with green circular shapes is layered over the black and yellow linen.  Both layeres are quilted.   Black, yellow, green, and blue-green.


4 thoughts on “Phases

  1. This is very beautiful, Mary. Don’t give away your secrets; think of how many hours it took to get to this point in your design process.

    1. The fabrics took about a day to discharge and overdye. Then they percolated until I could work out a design. The quilting probably took an hour to load, quilt, and bury the threads.

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