Yeah, I know, I have not posted much here lately. I was travelling. And writing a book. And working my fingers madly to the bone to finish some work for upcoming shows.
Book? You ask. Yep. When my 3-D monkey quilt was accepted in Quilt Festival at Houston this year, I realized that up 50,000 people are going to see that sucker. And it was the most fun I have ever had making a quilt. You know how you try something on a piece, but you are not sure it’s going to work? And then you see, once it’s done, that it doesn’t work, and you have to try something to fix it? That didn’t happen with this quilt. It was one long, fun process from start to finish. The quilt just makes me smile. I wanted to share that with my quilting students.
I’d been toying with the idea of writing a book. My friend Lea McComas was in the process of writing her thread painting book. I decided to jump in with her and go for it. We will be taking our respective tomes to Houston Market and Festival. My Wild and Wonderful 3-D Quilts is in the final editing stage and will go to the graphic designer, my friend Janet Windsor soon. More on that later.
For now, I leave you with some detail shots of 2 pieces that I recently finished. For now, back to the quilt pile.