(White) Silence is Violence

While this work is a modern quilt with a contemporary theme, it stands firmly in the tradition of subversive stitching in quilts.

When officers of the law become judge, jury, and executioners, killing unarmed black citizens, we all have a problem.  The police act on our behalf.  This slogan from the Black Lives Matter movement challenges our complicity in the face of these injustices.  It demands our attention.  We must find a way to hold our police officers close, and still hold them accountable.  This piece is included in the Studio Art Quilt Associates Loaded Conversations exhibition.

The work is silk dupion, hand-painted fabrics, layered and stitched.  Embellished with hand-painted, frayed twine.
letters on white quilted silk
(White) Silence is Violence, by Mary Vaneecke
text on densely quilted white sillk
detail, (White) Silence is Violence by Mary Vaneecke

4 thoughts on “(White) Silence is Violence

  1. Hi Mary,
    I saw your quilt Silence is Violence, and I am writing to invite you to participate in “Unnatural Election” (www.unnaturalelection.com) featuring over 250 international artists. The project is exhibited regularly and online.
    If you are interested, please find complete submission details here: http://www.unnaturalelection.com/artwork

    Curator “Unnatural Election: Artists Respond to the 2016 US Presidential Election”

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